NGS's Urban Exploration Abandoned locomotive base in "Siedlce" |
Summer 2006 |
"Stop! Entering only after visulal and sound signal!" |
First hall |
Offices inside first hall |
Window |
Lamps |
Poland, the homeland |
Roof |
Windows with no glass, but with plants |
Inside first hall |
A lamp |
Vent |
Picture of steam engine on the wall |
Skylight |
Green lamp |
Giant pit in the floor |
Inside that pit |
Remember about safety regulations |
More vents |
View from offices |
Corridor |
Basins |
Shadow stripes |
Pillar |
Roof |
North part of hall |
Lamps |
"Engine drivers, you cannot go wrong" |
Tracks |
More striped shadows |
Entrance to... |
...boiler room |
Second hall, newest |
Abslolutly no glass in those windows |
Inside |
Pit |
Cables |
Tap |
Doors |
Electric box |
Stairs |
View from the top |
Red passenger train |
Flooded basement |
Biggest and oldest building |
Locomotive base |
Inside |
The pit |
Room |
Green skylights... |
2nd floor |
Sink |
No stairs |
Sunlit room |
Balcony |
Roofs |
Looking down on the tracks and pits |
Window |
Fuse boxes |
Machinery |
Square windows |
Central part of building |
"No work beetween..." and below, Instruction of usage: electric furnace for thermal processing of sealing pistons and plungers for steam engines... |
Sign says: "Enforce safety regulations" |
Trafo 24V |
Wooden doors |
Lamp |
Racks |
"Bad isolation can lead to electrocution!" |
Offices |
"Engine driver! Safety depends from proper working brakes!" Instruction how to properly test brakes in the train |
Scaffold |
Small footbridge |
Rounded wall |
Sign says: "Leave your working place in condition you would like to find" |
Sun beam |
Showers |
Big window |
Steel doors |
Incorrect method of carring oxygene bottles |
Turntable |
Another hall |
Hall, looking north |
Hall |
Bricked part |
Cars |
On turntable |
Beautiful steam engine |
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