NGS's Urban Exploration "Wistom" -
abandoned complex (three powerplants, hundreds of buildings and
halls) |
Summer 2006 |
Looking north-east on complex |
Staircase |
Door to nowhere |
Grille |
Inside boilerhouse |
Dark corridor inside boilerhouse |
Entrance to boilerhouse |
Condenser |
Nice sunbeams |
The only bright room in hall |
Old newspaper |
Second power plant |
Second power plant from other side |
Room inside powerplant |
Emblem |
Hole in the wall |
Looking south-east on complex |
Inside powerplant |
Steel |
Dirty window |
Stairs to room with some old insulation on the floor |
Bended cabinet |
Chair |
Looking south-west |
Strange bended floor |
Long room |
Boilerhouse conveyor |
Another long room |
Lots of documents |
Chair |
Cafeteria |
Lab |
Switches |
Overshoe |
Three windows |
Long conveyor |
Hall |
Spider web |
Chimneys |
Corridor filled with coal |
Very dark and dusty hall |
Red helmet |
Brick buildings |
Young tree |
Barrel |
Beware of sulphuric acid |
Follow the beam |
Reflection |
End of beam... |
Overgrown room |
Ceiling |
Square holes in the floor |
Just door |
Bottle |
Alley |
Danger, high voltage! |
Sulphuric acid |
This doors just says: welcome! |
The cup |
Table |
Same hall from above |
Vines |
Corridor |
Shadow |
Door |
Staircase |
Hook |
Wooden sleeper |
Puddle reflection |
Green bottle |
Look on the floating barrel - this puddle is not as shallow as you'd think... |
Acetic acid |
"Slogan for today and tommorow" board |
Propaganda board |
Construction |
Pillars |
Road to north entrance |
View on boiler house |
"Master and apprentice", "Work rules" |
"Peaceful use of atomic energy" |
Green booger |
Green floor |
Flooded basement |
Hall |
Engines museum |
Switch |
Two switches |
Derelict room |
Lost of fuses |
Brick buildings |
Hall |
Colorful hall |
Connection |
Bottom of the chimney |
"Protect environment" |
Another lab |
Lab documents with strange equations |
For hanging laundry? |
Brick buildings |
Coolers |
Dump |
Yellow doors |
Hole in the ceiling |
Pool filled with some undefined yellow substance |
Generators room |
Toilet with a view |
Patio? |
Beam |
Another building |
A, B ,C, D... |
Door & chair |
Mitsubishi documents |
Lots of documents |
And yet another lab |
Chemicals |
Broken windows |
Pillars |
This "art" on the walls really looks like some sort of alien creatures... |
Another room infested with mold from outer space... |
Barrel |
Colorful |
Dark room |
Roofs |
Large hall |
Hole |
Building w round roof |
Cables |
Danger, flotators |
Danger, hydrogen sulfide |
Dark corridor |
Windows |
Indicators |
Books |
Shiny bricks |
Alley |
Storage |
Road |
Sunset |
A plane |
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