NGS's Urban Exploration

Warsaw surroundings: Neuropsychriatric hospital "Zofiówka" in "Otwock"

Spring 2006

Main buliding, looking north from last floor

Smaller buliding, to the north from main building

Lets start our tour from smaller building

Main entrance - closed for good.
Somebody didn't like it and wrote:
"What the fuck is this?"

For urban explorer bricked door is not a problem.
I've just teleported myself inside.

Whole 1st floor was bricked and dark,
 so I've went to the second.

Typical window

Not much here

Nice rounded window in left wing

Second stylish window in right wing

Inside typical room

This room have bars in window

Looking south from balcony on main building

One of many entrances in main building

Long corridor on 1st floor...

which leads to...

...largest hall

Stairway to 2nd floor...

...which is missing

The door

Typical room

Larger room


Nicer room

Staircase on 2nd floor

Stairway to the last floor, full of debris

Staircase window

There is not much of the roof on last floor

Overgrown last floor

Key locker

Looking west, about hour before sunset

One of the rooms on last floor

and another


Staircase window on 2nd floor

Another entrance to the building

And now something completly different. Lets go to the art gallery

Are you packed already?





Now, this is spooky...

Time to escape to the basement

Burned corridor


Exit from the basement

Corridor to...

another small room

Wide open

Bright room

And main hall, looking north

Two windows

Window from outside

Window from inside

Last look on hospital

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